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Respiratory Infection cure with Home treatment

 Respiratory Infection cure with Home treatment

Take OTC medications like ibuprofen (Advil) or acetaminophen (Tylenol) to lower your fever and help relieve any aches and pains.
Use OTC decongestants or expectorants to assist loosen mucus and make it easier to cough up.
Be sure to get plenty of rest.

Drink lots of fluids.

Respiratory infections are the main explanation for morbidity both in children and adults. The increasing prevalence of those disorders in the present era is said to modern stressful lifestyle, consumption of foods having artificial flavors, irrelevant use of antibiotics, etc. The management of respiratory infections in modern medicine includes the use of antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, antihistamines, stabilizers, decongestants, and corticosteroids. But, these are related to many adverse effects and lack future sustained effect.
 Home Remedies for Respiratory Infections

According to Ayurveda

Ayurveda explains respiratory infection pathology as an immune dysfunction due to Ama (the undigested intermediate product) formation and Kapha dosha vitiation.

Ayurveda has potent drugs possessing immune-modulatory, anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory and mucolytic effect which can be used for breaking the pathology of the respiratory infection at various levels and giving prompt symptomatic relief to the patient by eliminating the root cause of the disease.
 Home Remedies for Respiratory Infections

The Ayurveda approach for the management of respiratory infections is to potentiate the immune system of the individual to reduce the susceptibility towards the allergens and at the same time strengthening the digestive system. Thus, it is supposed that Ayurvedic herbs can prove beneficial and provide effective and long term solution to respiratory infections and thereby improve the quality of life and work performance. Respiratory allergies can also be managed by simple home remedies. If we glance into our kitchens, there are various things available which manage the respiratory infections.

Top 7 Home Remedies for Respiratory Infections

1.Turmeric(Curcuma longa)
Turmeric is the best spice to treat respiratory tract infection. Take half tsp. of turmeric alongside water empty stomach within the morning.
Add 2 pinches of turmeric to 1 spoon of cow's ghee. Just before going out of home, apply a really thin layer of this mixture to the inner side of both noses (nostrils). It looks a bit uncomfortable but has good results.
Put a small teaspoon of turmeric over a hot pan and inhale its fumes. It helps to reduce inflammation of the upper respiratory tract.
2. Take six cloves and add six seeds of black pepper and 1 teaspoon of turmeric to make powder. Take this mixture with honey twice each day regularly.

3. Take half cut lemon, spread a pinch of turmeric and pinch of salt on its inner surface and heat the lemon for 1 minute and suck it.|

4. Take extract prepared from ajwain, black pepper, and poppy seeds twice each day.

5. Before eating, chew 2-3 pieces of Little Rock salt ginger as it will correct digestion and prevent the formation of Ama in the body.

6.Amla (Indian gooseberry)
.Take 2-3 amla (Indian gooseberry) fruits during a clean vessel. Add a sufficient quantity of water so that the fruits are often immersed in it. Start boiling the amla fruits till the fruit pulp softens. Stop heating and take away the seeds and take the amla pulp into mortar and pestle. Grind to make a paste.
Add 10 gms raisins and 10 grams ginger powder and 2 ml honey to it and mix well to make a homogenous mass. This remedy within the dose of 3-5 grams must be taken twice each day before food. All the ingredients which are used in this remedy are quite effective in balancing Kapha and Vata doshas.
Raisins and Alma have rejuvenation properties, as the patient affected by chronic respiratory infections needs rejuvenation, and ginger is a superb anti-inflammatory herb that helps to relieve excess sputum.
7. Take 10 basil leaves, add a pinch of turmeric, boil the leaves alongside turmeric in water and take 1 cup of this extract.
 Home Remedies for Respiratory Infections

Lifestyle Improvement

Always keep cloves and black pepper with you. Immediately keep two pieces of it within the mouth when there's an attack.
Always take a warm water bath.
Regularly take inhalation of steam.
Regularly choose a morning to enter warm weather.
Do not sleep immediately after dinner.
Food to be Taken
Take light food, lukewarm water, and foods like Kapha Shamak — small spicy food, rock salt, legumes, etc.
Foods to be Avoided
Avoid heavy foods, fermented foods, sour foods, cold foods, junk foods, non-vegetarian foods, sweets, bananas, ice-creams, cakes, milk and other dairy products, too hot foods, etc.

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