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Blood Angels: Veteran Assault Squad vs Honour Guard with Second Company Banner

Ok, soo, after thinking about it, I decided to switch my VAS in my standard list to the HG. Really, the only difference is that the HG can take upgrade troopers. But also, I belive I can deploy it attached to Dante in some missions that might leave my VAS forced to deploy in reserves. Can any one confirm/deny this? It would be a nice help to start them on the table in those dumb missions that only allow troops and HQ to start. I am also thinking about switching one of my Death Company Furioso Dreads to a normal Furioso and buying back my 2nd company banner. It grants the squad, and attached characters an additional close combat attack, as well as reroll all failed morale. I figure that the squad getting an extra guaranteed attack each, plus Dante getting in one more hit at his initiative will more then equal out the 1 to 3 bonus attacks that my Dread may get. Since I tend to use them in unison, I think the trade off will be worth it.

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